Hannah Blake

On my last post with Ellen, I mentioned I sold my Yashica Mat 124G because I had been given a gift. That gift was a 1950's era Rolleiflex TLR, I could not wait to use. So I kicked off the new year right by shooting with Hannah. I shot both digital and one roll of Kodak black and white film. All the square (6x6) photographs you see are from the Rollei. I took a break from shooting inside and we walked downtown Boise. I found this spot at the JUMP building that has interesting light during the day and I was hoping to practice a bit with more high key lighting. Success! We continued walking the bitter cold streets and found this gorgeous light bouncing from a window down to the sidewalk. I could've shot here all day long with Hannah in this pocket of light.  

I was stoked to see the negatives from the Rolleiflex were perfect and the camera had NO issues,Woo hoo! With that being said, I feel I need to start shooting more rolls of film on shoots instead of being so conservative and shooting one. I always regret when I see a whole roll come out great and wonder "what if." 

I have been developing my own black and white for a few months now. I have a C-41 kit for color film that I have yet to put together for developing. Soon I will, there is just a little fear of the unknown and have only doing it once. When I get comfortable I think I will begin a film blog and separate the digital shoots from the film ones!

Weston McGhee

A twenty something year old photographer documenting the surrounding world.


Jessica Sulikowski


Ellen On Film