Jerusha At Home


It for sure has been a hot minute (nearly 2 years to be exact!) since I have been on here to update and show any sort of new work! I’ve been working on my masters degree and now that it has been successful completed I will have so much more time for all photography stuff. Between shooting and sharing.

This set with Jerusha was from last summer in her downtown Boise apartment. It had this UH-Mazing window light that would ricochet off the nice off white painted walls and just gave light that made me super excited. I shot with my Pentax 6x7 with my 105mm, Im pretty sure I shot wide open at 2.4 or at least 3.5 with both the rolls of Ilford HP5+ and Portra 400. I really enjoyed this day shooting with Jerusha because it was such a simple set up of things and to me it has a real clean, professional look. Only regret is I didn’t bring more film to shoot, I could’ve shot an easy 10 rolls with this light.

Anyways have a look and enjoy. Feel free to give a comment or even just a heart at the bottom of the page!

Weston McGhee

A twenty something year old photographer documenting the surrounding world.

Downtown With Katie


Jessica Sulikowski