First Roll: Lomography F2/400

Its not uncommon for me to keep a roll or two in my bag when I go take some portraits. When I was shooting with Ellen I also brought my Rolleiflex 2.8C with a roll of some Lomography F2/400 color film. (Check here to see the digital shots) Now, F2/400 is a color film that was purchased by Lomography, they bought an exclusive jumbo roll of film from an older company. And like a fine wine, they “aged” it and then distributed it. When they announced this film I picked up a good handful, which was a good idea because they sold out within a day or two.

After wrapping up our shoot I ran home and went right to developing this roll. I was super excited how the negatives would render let alone if they would reveal anything, which is always my feelings about developing but that’s what makes it feel like Christmas morning haha. Anyways, I shot this F2/400 at box speed and was extremely impressed in when I did a preview scan. I’m happy I bought a good amount of rolls. With that in mind, I will be treating this film like a fine whiskey… only busting it our for special shoots or something.

Weston McGhee

A twenty something year old photographer documenting the surrounding world.



Ellen at home