Quincee Lark

A couple of weeks back Quincee and I had met up at her home to create. It had been awhile that I had created something for me. I always enjoy photographing portraits in a home. Lighting can be more dramatic, contrasty or help show off more of the persons personality.

Aside form shooting digital, I brought my Pentax 6x7 and Pentax K1000. I shot one roll of Portra 400 @ 400. For the K1000 I used Lomography's limited release of its F2/400 film. It was the first roll of 10 I bought. And to be honest it's not a film I will just use for whatever. Sort of like the fine china or special booze. Only break it out for special occasions! After developing at a local lab I scanned here at home on my Epson V600 and cleaned up in PS. 

Weston McGhee

A twenty something year old photographer documenting the surrounding world.


Ellen On Film


Ellen Hansen